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dAdB dCdD dEdF dGdH dIdJ dKdL dMdN dOdP dQdR dSdT dUdV dWdX dYdZ

Trademark / Brand Name Class(es)
hotel HOCKS deluxe 30
hotel SUYASH deluxe 42
indian BROOT deluxe 32
kamal deluxe +flower 34
krimpi's deluxe whisky 33
m SS deluxe +plants & circl 30
nature's TANFIT deluxe 25
no. 111 CELTIC extra deluxe 16
no. 3 deluxe GIRNAR tea +cu 30
pearl deluxe grape +shell 33
pearl deluxe grape brandy 33
royal CHARTER deluxe +crown 33
royal JET deluxe +shield 33
se SEALTEX-deluxe 20
se SHANTEX-deluxe 20
sented SOLD deluxe zarda 34
super deluxe +woman 20
super deluxe ASHA paints 2
super deluxe KASTURI 24
super deluxe PHENOMAX 21
PREETI delwash 3
DOLPHIN delyxe whisky 33
demand SOHNA cement 19
CTR HR on demand +circles 42
INTEX demand more +square 9
JUMPP infrastructure demand 9, 16
ON demand 25
RSSK public demand +plant 30
WINC on demand fashion 25
YOU demand 16, 41
e BUSINESS ON demand 16
demin GIRL 3, 18, 25
AKI den mark +oval 25
dairy den's YUMS 4, 7
dairy den's YUMS +oval 18
dairy den's YUMS +ovals 4, 7
opium den +circle & flower 8
opium den +flower & circles 33
denaoud AJS +flowers & fish 3
ADVANTAGE dengue card 10
ADVANTAGE dengue stix 10
denim +square 25
denim DOT 25
denim PROLINE hard wear 25
AK 47 denim wear +circle 25
AMERICAN denim 1847 +globe 25
BARE denim 24, 25
CENTURY denim 24
D.T.A denim 25
DENIMZ denim solution 35
F.Q.B non denim +circles 25
FUJI denim explosion 25
G G-STAR raw denim 25
GO WILD BY denim 3, 18, 25
HEXAGON denim & cotton worl 25
LAREX denim & casual 25
MAK denim wear 25
NOSTRUM industrial denim 25
OSCO denim wear 25
OXEMBERG raw denim 25
OXFORD STREET denim wear 24, 25
RND republic next denim 25
SEELINK denim wear 25
SPACE premium denim +oval 25
TARANG denim & cotton +oval 25
TRUE denim +squares 25
UFD unique fashion of denim 25
VIBE denim ETHIX 25
WARNING real denim +guns 25
WE SPEAK denim 16, 25, 35
WESTLIFE power of denim 25
XYZ denim +arrow 25
Y.L.D young life denim +ova 25
ZALFA denim 25
international SCRAP denim 25
premium denim SPACE +oval 25
washing TONE denim processo 7
HERITAGE denims +oval 25
LASSO designer denims +oval 25
M MAFATLAL denims 24, 25
RED CHILLY denims 25
RED STREET denims 25
SUMO the toughest denims 23
saijo denki +flower & circl 11
ZONE denmark 16
ZONE denmark +circle 16, 21
ZONE denmark +oval 14
PRAGATI densified shutterin 19
ARYAN hi-density 21
SMIM skin density 3
high density BULLET GOLD 7
dent-O-MACH +face 10
GLINT-a-dent 5
INSTA dent 37
MACRO dent +oval & smile 10
PEARL dent tooth paste 3
SPARKO dent +stars 3
denta CHECK +tick & stripes 3
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